Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Sowing a New Seed...

Not to sound like Captain Obvious, but I am no Bible scholar. ;) I truly love my Heavenly Father, my Savior Jesus Christ & the Holy Spirit, but I confess that I have not even read the entire Bible. It's very difficult for me to digest. At times, I struggle to relate to verses, but other times, I fixate on a few verses and cannot move on! This particular time was the latter... In a study of Psalm 1, I only made it to Verse 3! Those moments when the Word of God comes to life and becomes the "Living Word" are the "kisses from heaven" I am thankful for today. The Lord takes a scripture you have read plenty of times before and sheds new light on it... Muah! Kiss From Heaven! (KFH!)

Here was some of my own revelation from Psalm 1, Verse 3. 
"They are like trees planted along the riverbank, bearing fruit each season. Their leaves never wither, and they prosper in all they do."

So, I first thought, "How do I define "prosper" in the context of this simile of God's people and trees?" After looking to Webster's dictionary, I see synonyms like "succeed" and "flourish" and "thrive"... Then, 2 simpler words brought me clarity... "grow stronger". I started looking at photographs of trees... realizing every gigantic and majestic tree that I look up to with wonder, started small, but grew stronger!

Red Maple Tree Planted...
Red Maple Tree Prospering!
Many times on my walk as a Christian, I look around at the lives and testimonies of other believers, and I feel like such a small tree in the forest. (Ahhh, the trick of comparing... rooting all the way back to the Garden of Eden, and I still fall for it, today!)
Now, after fully digesting those 2 words, "grow stronger", I realize that everyday, even the days that seem to have little or no "fruit", I am STILL prospering, because I am slowly (and even microscopically!) growing to be one of these strong trees.

Thank you, Lord, for the truth that trees start small, but when rooted in Jesus Christ, GROW STRONGER and "prosper in all they do"!
Live Oak Tree Planted...

Live Oak Tree Prospering!
 I receive the promise of the Lord in His Word. I will be one of these strong & majestic trees someday! If anyone chooses to read this, I pray you are, too!

Let us be deeply rooted in the ways of the Lord!

Japanese Maple Tree Prospering!
Japanese Maple Tree Planted...
Thank you, Lord, for your promise that with deep roots in YOU, we will prosper in all we do! Since this Psalm is also specifically referring to being rooted in your Word, please provide a special grace for me to go deeper in that area of my relationship with you. I pray the same prosperity for anyone else who may read this! ;)

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