Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Saying What's Important!

Well, I freaking love this film, The Help! I just LOVED so many aspects of this movie, but most of all... the intentional blessings the main nanny teaches to the little girl she cares for... Obviously, this video clip cannot encompass the whole emotional journey, but the little girl's mother either shamelessly neglects her child or openly treats her as an unworthy nuisance, throughout the entire film. As a woman who practices much self-loathing and a soldier in my own self-image war, it was painful to watch those seeds of unworthiness being planted from an ignorant & selfish mother to an innocent, little child. But hope entered in the form of her nanny, "Abee"! Everyday, this loving woman of God made time to speak out specific blessings to this little girl!

 "You is kind. You is smart. You is important." - Aibileen Clark

In the last few moments of the film, I was overwhelmingly touched when the little girl remembers those affirmations, after her nanny is unjustly fired. It was perfect evidence that simple & positive blessings, spoken frequently in any environment, have eternal impact! Our words can bless or curse! (James 3:9-10) There is life and death in the power of our tongue! ( Proverbs 18:21)  Abee's faithfulness to repeat those sweet and simple words everyday, changed the eternal course of that young girl's identity!

After I watched The Help, I began speaking the same sweet words over my daughter, Savanna, each day. (Replacing "is" with "are"!) Today was the KFH (Kiss From Heaven!)... It started with me saying to Savanna, "Oopsy- Mommy forgot to wipe your hands. Let's do that. It's important to have clean hands....." Suddenly, I trailed off to listen to my 22 month-old toddler who had cut into the convo by repeating "Important... I'm important!" Then, Savanna began her gibberish (which she's so proud of!). Within her "Savanglish", I clearly heard "kind" and "smart" and "important"! It was such a triumphant moment of pure joy! A FOUNDATION IS BEING BUILT... My daughter will know her value! It's such a KFH (Kiss From Heaven!) when God shows us a glimpse of how our pursuits are having a special impact!

Lord, I pray these words, and many other divinely inspired selections, will be hidden words in our daughter's heart (Psalm 119:11). Thank you so much for the encouragement today! I pray anyone reading this would have an increased sensitivity to the power of their words and influence, especially concerning children. I pray for healing for children and even adults, like me, who battle unworthiness. May whatever lies we've accepted as truth, be revealed, erased and replaced with YOUR WORD for us!


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