Monday, March 11, 2013

Buckle Up, Buckaroos!

I am filled with gratitude to be starting my very own blog! Just 6 months ago, we didn't even own a laptop. (Gasp!) So, to be sitting here typing in my favorite chair, legs propped up and precious silence surrounding me... you bet your bucks I'm grateful!!!

"Bet your bucks"... Did I just make that phrase up?! Do they say "Bet your butt", instead? That actually makes less sense, so I'm going with my version. ;) Altered words, phrases and even my own word inventions will pop up throughout this blog journey. Also, I'm an "EEP" (excessive exclamation point) type of person, so those will definitely over-populate my blog. I think EEP's are fabulous! ;)

Back to being grateful... this blog represents me sowing a new seed. This is my effort to be more thankful of the Lord's special stamp on our lives. The moments that "make my heart smile" (as I love to say) or those "kisses from heaven" we experience when no one is around. The "little things" that make a BIG difference to our souls! This blog will be used to sharpen my senses and spirit even more to those "kisses from heaven". With my memory, (or lack thereof!) I don't want to lose these special moments, as time blurs my memories. And by time, I mean days, not years! Yeah... my memory would probably earn a D- (like the 59.5% kind!) So, this blog is a gift to myself. A record of all the gifts God gives us that we might look right past, if we're too "busy"... "Kisses from Heaven" that bring laughter, tears, clarity, revelation... whatever!

As my Daddy-O always says, "Buckle up, buckaroos! BUCKLE UP!" Tawnie Bear's excited!!! (Whether another soul reads these or not! But if you are, I promise not to speak of myself in "third person" tense very often.) ;)

Sooooo, (I'll probably close most of my blogs in simple prayers) Lord- thank you for the perfect vehicle for me to get to know You more deeply! I truly want to "seek your face" and enjoy writing this blog, simultaneously. I want to see You for who You are, not who I expect. Please help me be open and receptive to your Spirit, so that I don't "miss out" on You! Thank you for your grace and unending love. Help me learn how to love You like that! 

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